On 22nd March, 2022, Blackwood Prospecting Pty Ltd (“Blackwood” or the “Company”), lodged an Exploration Licence Application (ELA) covering approximately 1 (sq.km.), the boundaries of which are within the current EL005193 exploration licence managed by Ballarat Investment Project Management (“BIPM”). Blackwood Prospecting and BIPM are wholly owned subsidiaries of Nubian Resources Ltd. (“Nubian”) (www.nubianr.com). Nubian is a Canadian public company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV:NBR) with exploration projects in Australia, Peru, and the United States.

EL007942 is in the vicinity of the town of Yandoit, 128 km northwest of the state capital Melbourne. As EL007942 falls within the boundaries of the previously granted EL005193, exploration will draw on knowledge acquired from the Company’s review of historical exploration, and results and data derived from recent exploration of EL005193 and EL006274 and of existing and past mining and exploration operations in the region.

For a description of the systems employed by Nubian for managing impacts of the proposed work on the community including (landowners and occupiers) and the environment please refer to Systems for Managing Impact on the Community and Environment below.

For an outline of how Nubian, as licensee, intends to meet its obligations under Section 39A of the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 (VIC) to consult with the community (including landowners and occupiers) please refer to Community Consultation below.

The information provided is published in accordance with section 15(5) of the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 (VIC) and Regulation 22(1) and Schedule 1 of the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) (Mineral Industries) Regulations 2019 (VIC).

Information for Landholders

What are the basic entitlements of Exploration Licences and how is it different to mining?

An Exploration Licence grants exclusive rights, subject to conditions, to explore for minerals within a certain area. An Exploration Licence does not permit mining. “Exploration” is defined in the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 (VIC) (“MRSD Act”) to include:

a)         Conducting geological, geophysical and geochemical surveys;

b)         Drilling;

c)         Taking samples for the purposes of chemical or other analysis; and

d)         Extracting minerals from land, other than for the purpose of producing them commercially.

The MRSD Act defines “mining” as extracting minerals from the land for the purpose of producing them commercially, including processing and treating ore.

Exploration does not always lead to mining. Exploration is the first step which allows licence holders to determine whether a mineral deposit is economically viable before an Exploration/Mining Company decide to conduct further activity, or mining.  While exploration often takes place over larger areas, the area that may be subsequently mined is usually much smaller.

Should EL007942 be granted by the Executive Director, Earth Resources Regulation, acting as the delegate of the Minister responsible for the Victorian Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (“Department”), it will be valid for a period of five years, with the option to apply for renewal of the licence.

Can I object to the grant of an Exploration Licence?

As a landholder, you may object to a minerals exploration application before it is approved. Any landholder objections must be made within 21 days of the Notice of Application for an Exploration Licence (newspaper advertisement publish date).

As the current projects are at the application stage, landholders may lodge an objection to the Department in writing, and it must include the grounds on which the objection is made. The Department will consider all objections before deciding whether to grant the licence. Most objections can be solved by developing a suitable work plan to address landholders’ concerns. The work plan will initially involve a compilation of historical exploration data. Field reconnaissance and geological/structural mapping will be conducted across the area. Low impact geophysical surveys may be conducted in small areas within EL007942. Pending the results of preliminary exploration activities, targets may be identified for drilling. Further, the Department may choose to add extra conditions on any mineral exploration licence granted in satisfaction of the application, to address community and landholder concerns. Nubian welcomes any queries or concerns prior to lodgement of a formal objection with the Department. Nubian is committed to addressing landholder concerns and working with local community members to allow for the sustainable and supported development of Victoria’s mineral resources.

What are the community engagement requirements of the licence holder?

In accordance with Section 39A of the MRSD Act, Nubian is required to consult with the community throughout the period of the licence by:

a)         sharing with the community information about any activities authorised by the    licence that may affect the community, and. 

b)         giving members of the community a reasonable opportunity to express their views about those activities.

To this end, Nubian is committed to working with landholders to ensure its plans are accepted and supported by the community.

How will concerns for environment and land use impacts be managed or addressed?

All areas in Victoria, unless specifically exempt (for example National Parks, State Parks, and Wilderness Areas) are open to exploration and mining licence applications. Before any exploration activities may commence, a work plan or 21 days’ notice for a plan of works addressing environmental risks must be approved by the Department, and a rehabilitation bond must be paid by the licence holder, to the Department. The rehabilitation bond represents security of payment for any rehabilitation work that may be necessary as a result of the exploration activities. Additionally, licence holders are bound by the Department’s Code of Practice for Mineral Exploration (“Code”). The Code provides practical guidance about how activities are to be conducted to meet legislative requirements and environmental standards. With respect to rehabilitation, licence holders are required to rehabilitate any land disturbed by the carrying out of work under the licence. Rehabilitation is to be undertaken in accordance with the work plan and licence conditions, which are set by the Department. The licence holder must also consult with the land holder about any proposed rehabilitation. Nubian is committed to environmental protection and endeavours to work closely with the Department and landholders to ensure successful rehabilitation and the responsible and sustainable use of any mineral assets which may be found following the grant of EL007942.

Work Plan for EL007942 – Blackwood Prospecting Pty Ltd


The tenement is contained within EL5193 whose exploration licence is held by Ballarat Investment Project Management Pty Ltd (BIPM).  BIPM has been exploring on EL5193 with processes that includes geophysics and drilling.  The applicant Blackwood Prospecting Pty Ltd and BIPM are wholly, and majority owned respectively by Nubian, a TSXV listed company.

Nature of the Targets

 Below is a stylised depiction of the type of reefs commonly found in the area.

Historical records show that gold conforms to shoots that plunge to the South. The Golconda mine on EL5193 adjacent to MIN5503, mined a 20 metre long, south plunging shoot.  Identifying the structural controls of these shoots will play an important role in the future of developing this lease. We intend to use geophysics and diamond drilling to better define the presence of faults and shoots within the structural context.

The Goldsmith reef and Golconda reefs will be the key focus of exploration.

Work Plan and Timeframe

The work plan will be as follows:

Year 1

  1. Complete a historical review of the literature, and information from Geologists that have worked on the area adjacent (EL5193) previously including Denis Walsh, Stewart Govett and the late Brian Cuffley from his records.

  2. Conduct a geometric pattern of soil sampling and assay each sample with a XRFp gun and take every 10 samples for lab analysis in areas where this work hasn’t been completed.

  3. Review DGPR results from EL5193 survey done in 2018 and 2020 to better define drilling target areas.

  4. Map the exposed reef areas in detail. 

  5. We may undertake some costeaning to review sections and then rehabilitate after it has been assayed and logged.

  6. Design a geophysics survey (passive seismic or gravity) and analyse any magnetic or gravity survey data publicly available to design a geophysics survey in addition to the DGPR data we have.

  7. Design and implement a drill program adjacent to where the drill program was undertaken on EL5193 by BIPM.

  8. Write or update and implement the community engagement Plan and a Risk Management Plan.  Discussions have been held with most property owners within 5km of this site although the EL licence area is on crown land.

Year 2

  1. The geophysics survey or review work will be undertaken, and the results interpreted, seeking structures that maybe faults, reefs or spurs and synclines or anticlines.

  2. A drill program will be designed to test the areas of interest – this will be R-C or Diamond drill and cover approximately 10 drill holes of 100 metres being 1000 metre program.

Year 3

The balance of the drill program will be finalised and completed, and the results   interpreted with the background geophysics.

Year 4

Hopefully we would have discovered some reef structures and these will be drilled at close space and a resource estimate calculated.

Year 5

We will change the EL to a MIN and start mining or relinquish the tenement as no indications of gold have been discovered.

Systems for Managing Impact on the Community and Environment – EL007942

Nubian recognises that its exploration activities may have environmental and community impacts which will affect its licence to operate in the region of Victoria. Nubian is committed to operating in both an ethical and sustainable manner that minimises negative impacts on the community (including landowners and occupiers) and the environment.

Nubian will ensure that the proposed exploration program for EL007942 will be well planned and managed to ensure that it has little or no lasting impact on the environment and imposes minimal disruption to the surrounding communities.

To properly manage the impact of the proposed work on the community and environment, all activities will be carried out in accordance with the Licence Conditions and Code of Practice: Standards, Procedures, and Practical Guidance under the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development Act) 1990 (“Code of Practice”). Among other things, this includes the following practices:

·       Ensure that all soil imported into the exploration licence area is free of disease and noxious weeds.

·       Every effort will be made to minimise the risk and impacts of spills or leaks.

·       Minimise the spread of noxious weeds, pest animals and plant diseases whilst undertaking exploration activities.

·       Adhere to any biosecurity protocols that have been adopted on private land.

·       Design, install and maintain erosion and sediment controls to prevent erosion of areas of disturbed land and sedimentation of waterway.

·       Take all reasonable measures to prevent contamination of the environment by the release of fuels, lubricants, and hazardous materials.

·       Ensure that spills of hazardous materials are cleaned up as soon as practicable.

·       Ensure that Aboriginal Cultural Heritage and non-Indigenous Cultural Heritage is not harmed as a result of works undertaken within the exploration licence area.

·       Prior to undertaking any exploration activities, develop and implement a fire response and readiness plan.

·       Ensure all waste generated on site is disposed of at an appropriate waste management facility.

·       Potentially select, establish, and manage campsites to minimise risks to the environment and/or the health and safety of people.

·       Ensure that noise generated by exploration activities does not exceed limits set by the Environment Protection Authority and the Local Council.

·       Establish dust control measures to prevent adverse impacts as a result of the release of dust, odour and/or emission of light.

·       Ensure livestock disturbance, noise, access and exclusion areas as well as rehabilitation issues are addressed in the compensation agreement to the satisfaction of the landowner/occupier.

·       Prior to commencing ground intrusive work or work involving the removal or damaging of native vegetation under the definition of low impact exploration, Torrens is required by the Code of Practice to submit a rehabilitation bond to the satisfaction of the Minister.

·       Where possible, use existing roads and tracks for vehicles and machinery. Exploration works will be planned to use the existing roads as much as possible.

·       As is recommended practice, all vehicles, plant, and machinery will be thoroughly cleaned prior to mobbing to a new site or location. Soil and organic matter will be removed from vehicles and equipment prior to moving between areas of EL007942.

·       Nubian will comply with the Environment Protection Act 1970 (VIC) and the State Environment Protection Policy (SEPP): Waters of Victoria (2003) and any other relevant legislation.

·       Take all reasonable measures to prevent adverse impacts of establishing costeans, drill holes, bulk sample excavations and trenches to the environment and/or health and safety of people; and

·       Ensure that disturbed areas are rehabilitated as soon as possible after the completion of exploration works.

Community Consultation – EL007942

Nubian is required by Section 39A of the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 (VIC) to consult with the community throughout the period of the licence by:

  • Sharing with the community information about any activities authorised by the licence that may affect the community; and

  • Giving members of the community a reasonable opportunity to express their views about those activities.

Nubian believes the community has the right to be informed and involved in decisions that will affect their area, lifestyles and interests. Accordingly, Nubian is committed to establishing a thorough understanding of the concerns and needs of the community, so that these may addressed to the highest degree possible. To do so, Nubian is committed to employing methods that allow for inclusive and accessible feedback mechanisms.

Nubian will consult with the community (including landowners and occupiers) concerning the proposed exploration licence. Nubian is committed to establishing and maintaining good working relationships with all community stakeholders and will consult with community stakeholders regarding a variety of relevant issues, including land access and impact, infrastructure, water, special local land issues, vehicle movements, sensitive flora and fauna, and heritage sites. The community consultation will take place before any disruptive field operations take place.

In accordance with its Community Engagement Policy, Nubian plans to conduct the following community consultation activities:

·       Identify and consult with relevant community, government authorities and employee stakeholders.

·       Identify the potential impacts of exploration activities on relevant stakeholders.

·       Utilise face to face meetings and one on one conversations, to establish clear, open, and ongoing channels of communication with all relevant stakeholders and ensure they are aware of any real and potential impacts.

·       Respond to stakeholder concerns in a timely, transparent, and effective manner.

·       Establish a stakeholder Complaints Register.

·       Establishing stakeholder feedback mechanisms and demonstrate how feedback contributes to decision making.

·       Maintain records of community engagement activities.

·       Inform the chief executive of the municipalities within the exploration licence area of the proposed works and estimate duration, in writing, at least seven (7) days prior to commencing work under an approved work plan and provide further information as appropriate during the term of the licence.

·       Respect the rights, cultural beliefs and concerns of all parties having an interest in the land (and waters) within and surrounding the exploration project area.

·       If applicable, enlist local knowledge and relevant authorities in the design of the exploration works; and

·       Prior to designing and constructing geophysical and geochemical surveys, consult with the private landowner/occupier about the position of gridlines and geophysical lines.

Please do not hesitate to contact Nubian if you have any questions or queries in relation to EL007942.  Contact Brendan Bell, brendan@nubianr.com, 0421-161-244